September 10, 2012

AETNA / Aurora ACO Guarantees 10% Savings

This may not be about on-site clinics but it is certainly about self-funded employers and the opportunities that on-site clinics can yield when coupled with local health care organizations, insurers and ACO’s.

Aetna and Aurora announced that they will guarantee health care cost savings to employers who elect their Milwaukee-centered ACO program, when compared with the employer’s recent history and utilization of health care costs.  The trade-off?  Use our AURORA network and specialists and use AETNA as the TPA.

Game changer? Yes.  Disruptive strategy?  Yes.  Something for others to consider — absolutely!  If the employees are already in a captive (using the term loosely!) on-site clinic program, why not seek a narrow network for some kind of additional support and savings?  The ACO’s are being put together in order to benefit (right now) Medicare patients, but this ACO is realizing that the self-funded employer environment is the place to be.

Look for many more stories like this one as hospitals and insurers wake up to the power of direct contracting for specific populations and the opportunity to link them to networks.

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