November 1, 2015

Advocate at Work On-Site Clinics

Advocate Health Care

8550 W. Bryn Mawr, Suite 650

Chicago, IL   60631


Teresa Taylor-Dusharm

This is a new listing as of November, 2015.   Providing occupational health services to employers and employees for at least 30 years (with more than 250 sites of care), Advocate at Work now has 12 dedicated worksite clinics it manages for employers.

They state they will customize their services to the client’s needs and preferences and their staffing includes a range of practitioners (physicians, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, pharmacists, coaches, etc.).  If  requested, they will provide optical and dental using local partners.  They include case management and catastrophic case management in their services as well. The standard arrangement is typically based on cost plus a management fee; however, they will also enter into arrangements with gain sharing if appropriate.   They will respond to all RFPs.

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