May 16, 2010

Pepsico Offers “Best Doctors” Service to Employees

Last week (April 27, 2010) Best Doctors announced that their service is now a component of the benefit plan offered by PepsiCo to its employees.   PepsiCo has been recognized for sometime for its innovative and successful benefits plan which focuses on employee lifestyle and overall health.   PepsiCo was given a Platinum Award (the highest award level) for its HealthRoads program by the National Business Group on Health in 2009 and was one of only 17 employers to gain this type of recognition last year by NBGH.

Best Doctors promotes their service as being a resource to provide expert second opinions in life-altering, disease processes for employees and their families.  It allows the employee to be “on the right clinical path without spending time, energy, and money pursuing inappropriate treatment.”   Read more about Best Doctors.

We believe this is just another way to provide quality care, at a lower cost, through what we call a “narrow network.”   By making sure you contract with the best specialists around, who are linked to your benefit program (electronically, if possible, but definitely through your care management team) you create a narrow network of doctors who are deemed the best for handling specialized care.   These physicians have an incentive to make sure that your employees and their dependents are given the right treatment, at the right time, and to communicate with your primary care physicians (at your on-site clinic) regularly and in a comprehensive way so that duplication of services is reduced and timely access assured.   The Best Doctors “concept” is just another element in the “narrow network.”

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