Archive for October, 2014

  • Discovery Channel Office In London Opens On-Site Clinic

    In England, where the National Health Service is available to everyone, the Discovery Channel has opened a "medical and wellbeing centre" which will include physical therapy, onsite lab services, and "holistic primary and preventative healthcare."  This will be staffed and managed through a company...

  • And. . . More on Wellness Programs And. . . More on Wellness Programs

    Visit EBN to get "10 tips to help implement a successful wellness program."  Among them are Offer Biometric Screenings (see our "preaching to the choir" comments); Track Results; Offer Incentives; and in today's techno-centric environment, Provide Employees with Digital Tools - a fast-growing optio...

  • Feel as Though You are Preaching to the Choir? Feel as Though You are Preaching to the Choir?

    Well, you're not alone.  According to a recent article posted on CNNMoney referencing the National Business Group On Health, "increasing employees' physical activity and managing their weight are large employers' top health priorities for 2015."  Examples cited were programs at JetBlue Airways and...

  • AHA Urges Employers to Improve Health Screening at Work

    In a summer article in the professional journal, Circulation, the American Heart Association published a policy statement on the benefits of improved workplace screening for heart disease.  Some statistics provided included the projection that the direct medical cost of  treating cardiovascular di...

  • New Data Source-MEPS

    I have to say, we are delinquent in not bringing this resource to your attention sooner.   We do have a link on our home page to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, however, were not aware until now of the MEPS data.  This is the Medical Expenditures Panel Survey conducted annually by...