September 28, 2015
Verve Health (a RepuCare Company)
8200 Haverstick Road, Ste. 150
Indianapolis, Indiana 46240
Gerry Erb, COO
As the name indicates, Verve Health is a spin-off of a vendor we had previously listed, RepuCare. In 2011, Repucare purchased a large wellness company, Spectrum Health and subsequently in 2015 spun off their on-site services to a new corporation, Verve Health. Verve has a product they call “Real Health” and their website refers to this concept frequently.
They provide on-site and near site services, including not just wellness, but of course primary care; occupational health; etc. Serving on their board is the former RepuCare president, Billie Dragoo (who is also a co-founder of Verve). They have been in the on-site business, in one corporate format or another, since 2005.
Written by: Dorothea Taylor
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