Archive for Research
Commonwealth Fund Commission Report
The Commonwealth Fund has issued several reports on a "High Performance Health System," but the one we will point you to here is the "Scorecard on Local Health System Performance." Those of you who have clinics established may find the information at least interesting, but likely also helpful in...
Sherman and Fabius in JOEM
Bruce Sherman, MD and Ray Fabius MD have co-authored a new study that will be published this month in The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine that addresses ROI and its relationship to on-site clinics. This is, from our ongoing review of the literature, the only survey of return on ...
Discharge Planning, Case Management – Include Your Pharmacist
A new idea? This is one we thought of merit and interest. Walgreen's announced a partnership with Greystone Healthcare Management to provide medication counseling and delivery services in person by a qualified Walgreen's pharmacist at the patient's bedside. This would be a standard protocol ...
Insurer Research Finds Benefit of PCMH
It is no news to those of you out there who provide on-site services that a patient-centered medical home model is a key factor in getting and keeping employees healthy; to say nothing of saving money in the process. But, WellPoint, the nation's largest insurer covering more than 34 million lives ...
AHRQ/Mathematica Research on PCMH and Complex Patients
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in conjunction with Mathematica completed a study of five different medical practices to attempt to begin to identify key components they had in common in successfully implementing patient-centered medical homes. The outcome was published in the Ann...
Pay-for-Performance (What’s old is new – or at least updated)
Highmark (a Blue Cross/Blue Shield corporation) reported that its Quality Blue program has demonstrated "clear patterns of improved patient safety and clinical care for our members." They cite data for things like mammography screening rates, diminished Central Line Associated Bloodstream (CLAB)...
Cost Savings Through Adherence to Level I Pathways
The US Oncology Network announced in a news release this month that a second study on the use of Level I Pathways for the treatment of a specific cancer has been completed and demonstrates significant cost savings without sacrificing quality of care or outcomes. In this case, the study specifica...
Obesity and Lost Productivity
Two separate studies report dramatic costs associated with obesity in the work force. You can't pick up a newspaper or magazine (or download a newscast) without hearing something about the problem of obesity in the United States today. These two studies just amplify the concern. One was "simpl...
Medicare Data, Private Research on Hospital Quality
While the data we are pointing you to here is all on Medicare patients (older, sicker??) the resource and findings are worth noting. HealthGrades conducted a study using CMS data for more than 40Million hospital records covering 27 medical diagnoses and/or procedure types at all of the nonfedera...
Medical Home Models
A core principle of the on-site medical clinic (at least the successful ones) is to be a "medical home" for the employees and dependents they serve. It is one of the biggest differentiating factors between the on-site clinic and your employee's own private physician office. As a result, it isn...