Archive for Research
Can e-prescriptions really improve quality?
In a study led by physicians at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, it seems like the answer is a resounding "yes". The study, published in the online edition of the Journal of General Internal Medicine on Friday (February 26, 2010), reviewed more than 3,000 prescriptions both pre- and...
Defining Wellness
In an article soon to be published in Population Health Management, written by Cyndy Nayer, Jan Berger, M.D. and Jack Mahoney, M.D. (all of the Center for Health Value Innovation - see reference under our "Resources" tab on this Web site), the results of a qualitative study to attempt to find a com...
Workers See Wellness Programs as Important Retention Tool
If you are still unsure as to whether wellness programs are truly viewed as a positive thing by employees, check out a survey released by the Principal Financial Group® and conductd by Harris Interactive® which shows that 45% of employees surveyed from small to mid-sized corporations would st...