December 21, 2010

Article Provides Overview

For those visiting this site who don’t already have an on-site clinic and are considering it, we found a recent article to be very helpful in providing a pretty concise overview of the concept, the data, the benefits, and examples of many vendors and employers involved.  This would be a really good summary to give to decision-makers about what’s happening in the field and it was on the Fox Business Web site just this past week (12/17/2010).  Hope it is both helpful and interesting.

FOX News represents the tag line “fair and balanced” and since the article is bullish on the onsite clinic concept, we agree.  They quote both Dr. Bruce Hochstadt (Mercer) and Stuart Clark (CHS) and it references a number of programs and their reported cost savings.  Unlike most articles, it goes beyond just the simple level of explaining what an onsite clinic does and it references important issues like employee access and quality of providers.  It might not impress some of the experts who frequent these pages, but it will add fodder for those who are still trying to convince management that this is something to consider.

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Filed Under: On-site Facilities

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