March 24, 2011

NBGH & Towers Watson 16th Annual Survey on Value

Technically, it is the 16th Annual National Business Group on Health and Towers Watson Employer Survey on Purchasing Value in Health Care.  As always, a reliable body of research by two nationally credible entities involving 588 companies (representing the employment of more than 9.2 million people).  Of the workers represented, 7.8 million were covered in health care programs, spending altogether $81billion (yes, B, billion) on health care.

The study findings report key areas in which employers plan to make changes in benefit plan design to better address cost issues.  Those include increasing the premium component paid for by employees for dependent coverage, incentives for the use of high value providers, and penalties for providers who do not coordinate care.

In the summary we read, it was reported that “consistent performers” (those employers who have a “track record of keeping [cost] trends at or below the norm”) had a cost differential with the low performers of more than $2,000/employee.  Wow, that’s a ton of savings.  And, just think what it means in long  term savings and long term improvement on health!

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