April 18, 2012

Commonwealth Fund Commission Report

The Commonwealth Fund has issued several reports on a “High Performance Health System,” but the one we will point you to here is the “Scorecard on Local Health System Performance.”   Those of you who have clinics established may find the information at least interesting, but likely also helpful in assessing the healthcare provided in areas surrounding your sites and working with the community to make improvements that benefit not only you and your employees, but all those who live and work around you.

This is truly a groundbreaking study providing data on the 306 hospital regions in the U.S. and comparing data between and among them on a variety of issues.  It points out the vast variation from one region to another, which makes us all shake our heads and wonder how this could be.  Those of you with multiple plant/service locations throughout the United States have probably already experienced this as you evaluated what to do for each location with regard to healthcare services you provide, how you contract for them, and with whom.  We encourage you to, at the very least, skim through the report – even the most knowledgeable among you will be surprised by some of the data presented.

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Filed Under: Research

Trackback URL: https://onsiteclinics.org/2012/04/18/commonwealth-fund-commission-report/trackback/

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