November 19, 2013

NPR Feature on Oregon Clinic

Driving to and from work each day, or when I am out and about running errands, I tend to listen to NPR (when I’m not in the mood for Country!).  Seriously, however, I wanted to pass on a link to a recent interview from the ALL THINGS CONSIDERED program, by host, Audie Cornish.  This was about a health system in Oregon, with outpatient clinics, where they are introducing “immediately available” counseling for patients.  The initial site is a pediatric office, where patients who have been identified as at risk for psychological issues, are offered a visit with the psychologist immediately – no waiting, right now.

What they have found in this pilot project (in a study of 400 patients) is a reduction in cost/patient over a 12-month period, as well as improved outcomes – the patients have less stigma about coming into the office (because they are going to their doctor’s office – not a separate mental health provider’s office) and improved outcomes (all the players are involved:  the patient, the counselor, and the primary care physician).

Apparently, this is also being done in in two other states, Colorado and Massachusetts.  It is something to think about – with prescription drugs for depression topping out the list for most often-prescribed and highest cost medications nationwide.  Mature onsite clinics might want to seriously consider adding this to their list of services.

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