September 30, 2018

Private Investors Expand Involvement in the On-site Clinic World

According to a recent article on Benefitspro.comfunding of up to a half-billion dollars will be flowing into organizations like Paladina Health and will use that money to create new clinics.  The article also provided a graph (courtesy Mercer Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans) demonstrating that the percent of large employers with on-site clinics rose from approximately 18% in 2008 to about 32% in 2017.  This well-documented and significant growth certainly provides fuel to the investment fire in the on-site space.  Jeff Dobro (of Mercer) is quoted in the article as explaining this growth by saying, “They’re like [employers], Why have we been asleep at the wheel for so many decades?”   Well, it seems as though the alarm (clock) is ringing some pretty big bells in the investment world right now and employers and employees may be the beneficiaries of this wake-up call.

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